Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Race for the Virginia 7th District US House of Representatives Seat Between Conservative Republican Candidate Anderson and Liberal Democrat Candidate Vindman – A Side-by-Side Comparison of the Two Candidates

This year the race for the Virginia 7th District US House of Representatives seat being vacated by Abigail Spanberger pits two Army Veterans against each other in what is turning out to be a very competitive race.  On the Republican side Derrick Anderson is currently a National Guard Special Forces Major who spent 8 years on active duty as an Infantry and Special Forces Officer.  He was born and raised in the 7th District and has deep roots in the community with local Conservative Republican values. he graduated from Courtland High School in Spotsylvania Courthouse and Virginia Tech. Anderson is a lawyer having graduate from the prestigious Georgetown University Law Center.

His opponent on the Democrat side for the seat is Yevgeny “Eugene” Vindman, a retired Army Judge Advocate General Corps Lieutenant Colonel who spent his early years as an Infantry officer before going to Law School and transferring into the JAGC. He was born in the Ukraine and grew up in New York City with local Liberal Democrat values. He graduated from FDR High School in Brooklyn and the State University of New York at Binghamton. Vindman only moved into the 7th District in 2016 as a result of him being assigned to the Pentagon and then the White House. Vindman is a graduate of the University of Georgia Law School.

For a quick comparison of their background:

Since both Anderson and Vindman are touting their Military experience as their main attribute, let’s compare their Service.

Anderson is still a serving National Guard Army Special Forces Major with 8 years of active duty and multiple Southwest Asia tours including a 15-Month “Surge” tour in Iraq and another in Afghanistan. He is an Airborne Ranger with a Combat Infantryman’s Badge (CIB) and Bronze Star among other awards. He is also a graduate of the elite Special Forces Qualification Course and has had multiple SF commands and deployments to Afghanistan, Bahrain, Jordan, Israel, and Lebaron. Between combat tours he served 2 years in the elite “Old Guard” at Arlington National Cemetery.

Although Vindman served as an Infantry Officer for almost 10 years, he never had an Infantry command nor went into combat as an Infantryman but after becoming a JAG he did manage to spend 5 months in Iraq as a Captain in the relative safe Baghdad Green Zone as a Law of War advisor. It should be noted that he received NO combat awards for his service and that almost all of his contemporaries served at least three (3) combat tours between Iraq and Afghanistan.  As a JAGC Officer, Vindman served mostly in Stateside assignments although he did have one overseas tour in Germany.

Vindman was promoted to Colone before retiringl but retired as a Lieutenant Colonel because he was not eligible to retire in that grade.  He now refers to himself as “a former Army colonel” after being exposed to public ridicule for falsely referring to himself as: “Colonel Eugene Vindman, US Army Retired” and “Retired Colonel Vindman” on his campaign website and other and places although he is on the retired roles as a Lieutenant Colonel.

For a quick comparison of their career assignments:

A good indication of how successful an officer’s career was is by looking at the Awards, Decorations and Badges they amassed over their time in service. For a quick comparison of both the recognition for their service:

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Again Washington Post Censors Silence a Conservative Voice for Exposing Their Misinformation About Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh

On 8 October 2024 the Washington Post (WaPo) published this article mischaracterizing something as a “Congressional Report” when it was in fact, a “report” produced by a single member of Congress, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), a notorious misinformation peddler and Kavanaugh hater.

FBI probe of Kavanaugh constrained by Trump White House, report finds

A congressional report finds new evidence of how the White House’s tightly controlled an FBI investigation into sexual assault claims against the Supreme Court nominee.

By Beth Reinhard



I quickly posted the below comment including links to previous WaPo articles debunking all the misinformation and even outright lies contained in this article.

Once again, the WaPo censors were quick to silence this Conservative voice by deleting the comment and serving me with a one day suspension from commenting for posting the below 100% true and accurate comment that might not align with the false narrative the WaPo was trying to peddle to their majority Liberal-Left-Leaning readership. 

In recent years I have been a frequent WaPo commenter gleefully pointing out and correcting their numerous errors but have noticed over time fewer and fewer comments from Conservatives have been showing up.  I had assumed this lack of Conservative comments was do to fewer and fewer Conservative WaPo subscribers as the paper kept drifting further and further to the Left and losing readers but over time it has become apparent that the WaPo just censors, deletes and ultimately bans Conservative voices to avoid embarrassment from having their errors and biased coverage exposed. I know this because that is what has been happening to me.

Below is what garnered my latest suspension and I challenge anyone to point out what is so objectionable or inaccurate about this comment that it offended the delicate sensitivities of the WaPo Censors other than it confirms the WaPo has become nothing more than a Liberal-Left-Leaning Democrat propaganda rag. Although the links in my below WaPo comment thoroughly discredits this WaPo fairytale, here is a link to my January 2023 Blog posting about my previous comment the WaPo also removed that goes into far more detail proving the WaPo continues to peddle the same already discredited misinformation about Kavanaugh:



Even the WaPo has thoroughly discredited both Ford’s and Ramirez’s stories.


While Politico destroyed everything Ramirez said and the New York Times wouldn’t even publish it.


If you can handle the truth, suggest reading “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation” by New York Times reporters Kate Kelly and Robin Pogrebin. These two ultra-Liberal NYT reporters thoroughly discredit every unfounded allegation against Justice Kavanaugh. Here was their bottom line according to the NYT:

Pogrebin and Kelly spend significant time digging into Blasey Ford’s accusations and also those of Deborah Ramirez, a woman who says Kavanaugh put his penis in her face at a Yale college party. They track down any witnesses and friends willing to talk, comb through legal documents, do their best to find the house where Blasey Ford says the assault took place. They point out critical witnesses that the F.B.I., in its very limited investigation, did not have time to interview. In the end they turn up no smoking gun, no secret confession, no friend who comes forth to say Kavanaugh was lying all this time.


And for more about this subject, see:
