Again this
year the Washington Post New Years Day headline boasts: “Homicides decrease in Washington region.” The New Years Day 2012 headline was:
As homicides fall in D.C., rise in Prince
George’s, numbers meet in the middle. This year’s article also proudly notes that
DC Homicides dropped to 88 in 2012 while the 2011 number was 108, in 2010 it
was 132 and in 2009 it was 140. As it
does every year The Post also noted the homicide statistics for the surrounding
Maryland and
Virginia DC suburbs but again this year makes no attempt to compare the rates
among the various jurisdictions.
A cursory
analysis of the stats in this article might reveal why the Liberal WaPo avoids
any analysis --- could it be because it would clearly demonstrate a
dramatically inverse relationship between homicide rates and restrictions on
gun ownership?
Using the
US Census Bureau’s latest population estimates, DC
with 617,996 people had 88 homicides in 2012 for a rate of 14.2 per 100,000
people. The two Maryland DC-suburbs of Montgomery County
and Prince George’s
County have 1,861,027 with 78 homicides for the same period for a rate of 4.2
per 100,000. The three Virginia suburbs of Alexandria City,
Arlington County
and Fairfax County have 1,460,997 people with 21
homicides for a 1.44 per 100,000 rate.
This reveals
that a DC resident, where gun ownership is still very restricted is almost ten
times more likely to be a homicide victim than a “gun loving” Virginian where
gun ownership is almost unrestricted.
Even a Marylander, with moderately strict gun laws, is almost three and
a half times less likely to be a homicide victim than a DC resident. Much
better than DC but a Marylander is still almost three times more likely to be a
homicide victim than one of us “gun tottin” Virginians.
Now I’m not
opposed to registration and some reasonable limits on ownership such as
terrorists, ex-cons and the mentally unstable but there should be no
restrictions on ownership by average citizens – anywhere in the US. There is a
“God-given” right of self protection, especially in one’s own home, and a gun
is the only way to exercise that right. One has to go no further than right
here in our own DC-area backyard to clearly demonstrate that contrary to
liberal rhetoric, it is an “inconvenient truth” that “guns actually do make us
safer.” Case in point, Virginia
has by far the laxest gun laws and the least gun violence of any of the
surrounding jurisdictions. Additionally, the DC homicide rate only began
declining after the Supreme Court ordered the loosing of DC gun ownership laws
in 2008. Is the fact that this dramatic drop coincided with this landmark court
decision coincidence or might there be a cause-effect relationship? Could it be
criminals are not so anxious to attack law-abiding citizens if they might be
"packing heat?"
The obvious
message in these statistics - guns make us more and not less safe!.
While we’re
addressing restrictions on guns, here’s a riddle for you. What do New York City Mayor Michael
Bloomberg, Congressman Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA) and Obama advisor David
Axelrod all have in common other than they all three trashed NRA CEO Wayne
LaPierre for suggesting to have armed officers in schools to protect children?
Answer: they all live in Democrat controlled
jurisdictions that have ARMED Officers in their schools and two of them,
Bloomberg and Connolly, were the local elected officials responsible for them
being there!
In a recent
press conference Mayor Bloomberg dismissed the plan saying “I think it’s a
terrible idea. We don’t need (armed officers) in our school system” but it
turns out the NYPD already has 350 armed officers who rotate throughout the
school system. Congressman Connelly
describe the idea of allowing armed guards to carry firearms in schools as
“reprehensible” and “outrageous” but for his entire time as Fairfax County
Board Chairman (2003-2008) he assigned armed police officers to be on campus at
all times during the school day in ALL county high schools and intermediate
schools. Chairman Connolly’s actions
were consistent with Bill Clinton’s 2000 $60M "Cops in Schools"
While we’re
at it, here are a couple other interesting (and maybe) inconvenient FACTS:
In any
given year in this country there is one child drowning death for every 11,000
residential swimming pools or 550 children under the age of 10 drown every year
in our 6 million pools. Meanwhile there is one child killed by a gun for every
one million (plus) guns in this country or with about 200 million guns,
approximately 175 children under 10 die. This means a child is over 100 times
more likely to drown in a pool than be killed by a gun. Hence, banning
residential pools is a much more effective way of protecting children than
banning fire arms.
In Switzerland,
every male adult is issued an assault weapon for militia duty and required to
keep it in his home. As a result, Switzerland has the highest per
capita rate of guns in homes in the entire World yet is one of the safest
places to live. Fire arm deaths in Switzerland is .56/100,000. Compare
that to the United States
where Assault Weapons are heavily regulated and automatic ones are outlawed and
our rate of fire arm deaths is 2.97/100,000 per year. That means an American is
5.3 times more likely to be killed by a gun in the United
States than someone in Switzerland where everyone and
their brother has an automatic assault weapon. Go figure!