According to Glenn Kessler, the WaPo Fact Checker, when former secretary of state
Hillary Rodham Clinton made this remark at a roundtable in North Las Vegas, 5 May
2015, she was once again lying through her teeth:
“In New York, which I know a little bit about because I
represented it for eight years and I live there now, our undocumented workers
in New York pay more in taxes than some of the biggest corporations in New
Then again,
that is nothing new for the woman whom Liberal columnist William Safire
famously labeled a “Congenital Liar” in his now oft quoted column in the ultra-Liberal
New York Times.
But, don’t take
my word for it, see below to read exactly what Kessler had to say about
Hillary’s Bogus claim about how much illegal aliens pay in New York taxes.
After denying her that elusive Fourth Pinocchio for many of
her other outlandish statements, here Glenn did the right thing and awarded
it. Over the past year Kessler has fact
checked several of Hillary’s statements, or rather misstatements yet he usually
only “awards” or “rewards” her with that Three Pinocchios but this time he
rightly crowned her “Liar in Chief!”