Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Washington Post Political "Reporting" Hacks Show Their Bias at their "Merry Impeachmas" Party Celebrating the Trump Impeachment

On 18 December 2019, Members of The Washington Post’s (WaPo) congressional reporting team of Rachael Bade, Karound Demirjan, Paul Kane, Seung Min Kim and Mike DeBonis threw themselves a party to celebrate the US House of Representatives voting Article of Impeachment against President Trump earlier that day.  They were so proud of themselves that they tweeted — but later deleted — this photo of themselves celebrating at what they dubbed their “Merry Impeachmas” party.

Following the tweet going viral, the WaPo decided they best have this gaggle of hacks lay low for a while to let the furor blow over so for about 10 days there were no article with a byline of any of the “Merry Impeachmas” gaggle but that didn’t last long.

Now, once again the WaPo is back to committing “journalistic malpractice” by allowing their gaggle of self-avowed Trump-Haters masquerading as “journalists” to again “report” on politics. Despite the fact that these "Merry Impeachmas" hacks, Rachael Bade, Karound Demirjan, Paul Kane, Seung Min Kim, and Mike DeBonis, had proudly displayed their extreme anti-Trump bias for the World to see, they are now back to work at the WaPo spewing their anti-Trump half-truths.  One thing these hacks all have in common is mixing their personal opinions into their articles and dishonestly trying to pass it off as “news.” The fact we now see their bylines again just confirms the WaPo doesn't want to even give "the appearance" of unbiased reporting so the new WaPo tag line should be expanded to more honestly and accurately reflect their agenda: Democracy Dies in Darkness and the WaPo is Turning Out the Lights.

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